Sales / Direct Sales Report


Whether you are new to selling or a seasoned sales veteran, the Sales Impact Report will undoubtedly add value to you. This 50-page report provides a wide variety of information, including your selling style and ways to maximize it. It also offers awareness of the various buying styles of your clients.




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This 50-page version is designed for those in sales and marketing where success in working with people is so important. It will help you interact and lead others based on understanding how each person is motivated. This version is similar to our extended version, but it has been tailored to help you present and lead with better results in a sales environment. Your report will include:

  1. Words that describe you
  2. Your strengths
  3. Keys to excellence
  4. Your value on a team
  5. Your DISC personality graphs
  6. Introduction to DISC
  7. Your communication style
  8. Your basic behaviour style and preferences
  9. Your decision-making style
  10. Insights to boost your growth
  11. Insights for long-term growth
  12. Enhanced charts
  13. Chart: High and low traits
  14. Chart: Reading others
  15. Tips to remember with each style
  16. How to relate to each style
  17. Perceptions for each style
  18. Extended graph detail section
  19. Tips for contacting others
  20. Leadership insights and phrases to use in communication
  21. Perceptions other may have of you

If you sell any product, service, or a combination thereof, the Sales Impact Report will guide you to impactful results!

“The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve him, but the number of people he serves.” – John C. Maxwell

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