High Road Leaders Masterclasses

This is one of the most life-changing books I have read.  If we want to see real change come to our community and country, we need to be a high-road leader and mentor others to become high-road leaders.

Julie Crawford

Executive Connector, High Road Leadership Canada

Leadership can be a blessing or a curse. It can help people rise up to a better life, or it can cause people to fall into despair. Become part of the solution by becoming a high-road leader.

Join us for 8 weeks on Zoom for one of the cohorts below.

The world’s most influential leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, tackles the problem of our divided world in his latest book High Road Leadership. We live in a very divided world.  “Everything rises and falls on leadership,” says Maxwell. “Today it is causing people to fall—into disputes, frustration, anger, and despair.”  His solution is to expose the problems of taking the low and middle roads when interacting with others and teach people how to instead take the high road. Leaders who practice high road leadership value all people, do the right things for the right reasons, take accountability for their actions, and place people above their own agenda. In this masterclass, we will discuss the principles and practices of high-road leadership that can increase anyone’s influence and help them make their world a better place.

  • High Road Leadership book can be found on Amazon or at your favourite retailer.
  • All participants will be placed in a private High Road Leadership group on our website with other High Road Leadership Cohorts.
  • Recordings of masterclass will be available for any classes you miss or want to re-watch.
  • No classes will be held on or near statutory holidays.

We would love to have you part of our High Road Leaders email list.  You will receive information about upcoming cohorts as well as events and conferences coming up…and it is a great way to stay connected in a world that divides.

High Road Leadership ~ Cohort #5
Begins September 10
Tuesdays, 9:00-10:30 am MT
8-week Masterclass
Private Connection Discussion Group
Recordings available for missed meetings
Bringing People Together in a World that Divides
High Road Leadership ~ Cohort #6
Begins October 2
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm MT
8-week Masterclass
Private Connection Discussion Group
Recordings available for missed meetings
Bringing People Together in a World that Divides
