Connector Membership

Become a Connector Member

Why should you become a Leaders Can Connector Member? Because Connector Members are set up for success in making meaningful connections. Connections are a vital part of human growth, whether you’re looking to grow as a professional or in your personal life. Here at Leaders Can, we want to help you make connections that will allow you to exchange ideas, find new partners or business opportunities, as well as create a sense of belonging. When you become a Connector Member, the door for opportunities will swing wide open!

What’s Included as a Connector Member?

As a Connector Member, you’ll gain access to a variety of opportunities and perks. Becoming a Connector Member is simple, for only $150 for a lifetime membership, you’ll receive the following:

  • Personalized DISC Sales Communication report with 30-minute debrief coaching session. (Value $199)
  • Connector rate for networking hubs, Leader Lab, events and conferences (Value $700+ annually)
  • 1-year membership to ReadItFor.Me book summary reading service (Value $399)
  • Access to our latest news

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to learn and grow as a leader! Become a Connector Member today to start your journey as a leader. Leaders Can is all about growing and strengthening Canadian leaders for the betterment of all of Canada. We believe that by strengthening our leaders through meaningful connections, we’ll build a better country!